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merriam webster

2 Resultados de traducción para blow en español

noun | verb

blow noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
soplo, soplido; vendaval; golpe; desastre

Sinónimos de
blow noun

blow verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
blew, has blown, is blowing, blows
soplar, echar; volar; tocar, sonar; dar forma a; echar a perder

Ejemplos de uso de
blow verb

  • The wind was blowing from the north.
  • The leaves were blowing around in the wind.
  • The wind blew his hat off
  • He was blowing on his soup to cool it off.
  • The light went off because a fuse had blown.

Sinónimos de
blow verb

¿Sabes el significado de blow up?
  • Blow up significa enojarse mucho > Our boss blows up every time someone asks him for a raise. Blow up también significa literalmente explotar algo > The soldiers blew up the bridge with a bomb.

Verbos frasales para blow

  • blow away - maravillar, dejar sin aliento
  • blow off - dejar plantado (a alguien), faltar a (una cita, etc.)
  • blow out - fundirse (dícese de un fusible eléctrico), reventarse (dícese de una llanta)
  • blow up - estallar, hacer explosión

Frases relacionadas para blow

Traducción inversa para blow

soplo  - puff, gust 
soplido  - puff 
vendaval  - gale, strong wind 
golpe  - blow, knock 
desastre  - disaster 
soplar  - to blow, to blow on, to blow out, to blow off 
echar  - to start off, to throw, to cast, to hurl, to throw out, to expel, to emit, give off, to sprout, to put forth, to fire, to dismiss, to put in, to add 
volar  - to blow up, to demolish, to fly, to irritate, to hurry, to rush, to spread, to disappear 
tocar  - to knock, to ring, to touch, to feel, to handle, to touch on, to refer to, to concern, to affect, to play (a musical instrument) 
sonar  - to ring, to sound, to blow (a trumpet, a nose), to ring (bells), to look or sound familiar